Sunday, October 9, 2011

Applications of Functions 2.3

The 3rd week of the second grading cycle is already here.  This grading cycle is half-way over and we are on our way to the second half.

This week we apply what we have learned about functions into a lesson called Bungee Warrior.  We will use different figures to calculate a scatterplot and with that scatterplot we will get our Line of Best Fit.  From there we should all be able to come up with an equation.

Also this week, all 9th graders will take the PSAT on Wednesdady and the Algebra Diagnostic on Friday.  GOOD LUCK!

This is the video we watched on Tuesday 10/11

Here is the lesson: Bungee Warrioir

Homework Assignment for Wednesday 2.3WLWGraphingFunctions

2.3 Notes

Homework for Thursday

2.3 ThLWF_x_ scenarios


  1. Awesome blog!I'm sure it will help a lot of students. Put together by an amazing teacher...

  2. Are you sure that first activity isn't a SCIENCE lab? :) Love it.

    This is really cool. The downloadable homework is great.

  3. Super Blog!!!! But one thing is clearly wrong, Blue House Rocks! Your color scheme is clearly based off of blue. And Blue= Blue House ROCKS.

  4. THE GREATEST BLOG EVER!!! Mr. Sanchez, this is a great website. Thank you for telling your students about it. Now we can get home/life work from this website and this will help all of your students. Also, Christian, I know, Mr. Sanchez knows, you know, WHITE HOUSE BEATS EVERY HOUSE so stop hating because we're better. Mr. Sanchez change the background please so we have haters like Christian. If the initials didn't work, this Kord M. Douglas.

