Monday, October 31, 2011

2.6 Apply these Functions

Sorry about was a bad day and I was sick..

Our common assessment is over, now it's time to apply all these notes, graphs, tables, equations, and everything else that has been written.  This is the part where the Karate Kid applies everything he knows into Karate....

 Now we must apply our knowledge...

Here is the Lifework from Monday:

LW2.6M - LW2.6M


We will review the common assessment and take a look at our misunderstandings.
We will also have a GAVEL check with our grades posted.

Our lesson will revolve around sharpening a pencil to its smallest stump.
How long will this take?

Here is the LW from Tuesday:

LW 2.6T -

LW 2.6T _ans_ - Wednesday:
Let's graph Hot/Crazy charts
This video will help guide us in graphing the ratio of
"crazy" v "hot"



LW 2.6W


How many marbles will it take to make this jar overflow with water?

How many styrofoam cups will it take to reach Mr. Sanchez height?

Stacking Cups
LW 2.6Th

The Human Coordinate Plane
Here is a sneak peek: 2.6 Quiz
The Lifework will consist of students trying to find a real life application of slope.  They will define slope and identify the slope in a picture they will obtain online.

1 comment:

  1. This blog is a wonderful idea, David! What a great resource for your students and what a great tool for parents. I know my Mom would have really appreciated something like this to help us out with our schoolwork. She relied heavily on me to help my younger brother with homework and such since it was still pretty fresh in my mind. I know you've got a lot on your plate, but keep up the great work! I'm sure there are plenty of people who really appreciate the effort you put into this. -Christy

