Monday, October 24, 2011

2.5 Review and Test Week

This week is short and sweet. Homecoming week is over and now we must focus that energy into the upcoming Common Assessment that every high school will take.

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday we will review for the first Common Assessment scheduled for Thursday. We will work in stations and work at individual pace.

You may bring MP3 players to listen while you work.  Again we are working at your pace.

Here are the station worksheets that will be worked in class (it's 21 pages divided into 5 stations; downloading will download all 21 pages):
ExtraEquations Day5

Station1 -
Station2 -
Station3 -
Station4 -

Station5 -

Here is the Home work for MONDAY:
LW 2.5M

LW 2.5MAns -
LW 2.5T

LW Tuesday

LW 2.5W
LW 2.5T Ans

Thursday we will be testing.  Good Luck!

Do NOT forget to show us HOW GREAT YOU ARE!!!!!!

CLIP OF THE WEEK>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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