Monday, October 31, 2011

2.6 Apply these Functions

Sorry about was a bad day and I was sick..

Our common assessment is over, now it's time to apply all these notes, graphs, tables, equations, and everything else that has been written.  This is the part where the Karate Kid applies everything he knows into Karate....

 Now we must apply our knowledge...

Here is the Lifework from Monday:

LW2.6M - LW2.6M


We will review the common assessment and take a look at our misunderstandings.
We will also have a GAVEL check with our grades posted.

Our lesson will revolve around sharpening a pencil to its smallest stump.
How long will this take?

Here is the LW from Tuesday:

LW 2.6T -

LW 2.6T _ans_ - Wednesday:
Let's graph Hot/Crazy charts
This video will help guide us in graphing the ratio of
"crazy" v "hot"



LW 2.6W


How many marbles will it take to make this jar overflow with water?

How many styrofoam cups will it take to reach Mr. Sanchez height?

Stacking Cups
LW 2.6Th

The Human Coordinate Plane
Here is a sneak peek: 2.6 Quiz
The Lifework will consist of students trying to find a real life application of slope.  They will define slope and identify the slope in a picture they will obtain online.

Monday, October 24, 2011

2.5 Review and Test Week

This week is short and sweet. Homecoming week is over and now we must focus that energy into the upcoming Common Assessment that every high school will take.

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday we will review for the first Common Assessment scheduled for Thursday. We will work in stations and work at individual pace.

You may bring MP3 players to listen while you work.  Again we are working at your pace.

Here are the station worksheets that will be worked in class (it's 21 pages divided into 5 stations; downloading will download all 21 pages):
ExtraEquations Day5

Station1 -
Station2 -
Station3 -
Station4 -

Station5 -

Here is the Home work for MONDAY:
LW 2.5M

LW 2.5MAns -
LW 2.5T

LW Tuesday

LW 2.5W
LW 2.5T Ans

Thursday we will be testing.  Good Luck!

Do NOT forget to show us HOW GREAT YOU ARE!!!!!!

CLIP OF THE WEEK>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Sunday, October 16, 2011

2.4 Function Applications

This week week looks like it's gonna be a fun week with Spirit week and a field trip on Friday.

Monday "TWIN DAY"

10/17 we will test out our function rules for our Bungee Hero drops.  Here are some video previews:

Homework: Homework

On Tuesday,"NERD DAY"
10/18 We will graph, graph and GRAPH.
I want to thank all the students that participated in today's lesson. You guys made it fun and interactive.Here are some highlights of today's activity:

Graphing Worksheet

Wednesday will be a short day with our Hispanic Heritage Month Presentation and the Afternoon Pep RALLY presentation. The day will be full of activities as we match functions to tables, graphs, and equations...
Matching Activity Example
Homework: Graphing WS
HW Wed
Lifework Wed

Thursday, we will have our Advisory schedule and will have Activities all day.  Function Stations

HW Thursday
Lifework Thurs

Great Filed Trip to TSU Here is Dr. Freeman
Helpful Notes

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Applications of Functions 2.3

The 3rd week of the second grading cycle is already here.  This grading cycle is half-way over and we are on our way to the second half.

This week we apply what we have learned about functions into a lesson called Bungee Warrior.  We will use different figures to calculate a scatterplot and with that scatterplot we will get our Line of Best Fit.  From there we should all be able to come up with an equation.

Also this week, all 9th graders will take the PSAT on Wednesdady and the Algebra Diagnostic on Friday.  GOOD LUCK!

This is the video we watched on Tuesday 10/11

Here is the lesson: Bungee Warrioir

Homework Assignment for Wednesday 2.3WLWGraphingFunctions

2.3 Notes

Homework for Thursday

2.3 ThLWF_x_ scenarios

Friday, October 7, 2011


After completing "Intro to Functions" it;s time to get to the nitty gritty...